How To visit Taman Safari Indonesia ?
The location Taman Safari Indonesia is in the highway between Jakarta and Bandung West Java. It is just 80 km drive from Soekarno – Hatta International Airport Jakarta or only 1.5 – 2 hours by vehicle. While from Bandung , it is 78 km or 3 hours by car. If using a public transportation / bus from Jakarta or Bandung, stop at Cisarua / Safari T-Intersection then continue by Ojek (hired motorcyle) or Angkot (local public transportation) to reach Taman Safari Indonesia in 10 minutes.
If you take a bus form Jakarta , you go to Kampung Rambutan The Bus station in East Jakarta, or you can take the train or bus to Bogor, then transit by Angkot ( Public Transportation) to Cisarua and continue by the mini angkot to Taman Safari Indonesia .
From Soekarno Hatta International Airport, you can take DAMRI Bus direct to Bogor City then transit to public transportation to Cianjur or Cisarua. Stop at the Safari T-intersection then continue by Ojek (hired motorcyle) or Angkot (local public transportation) to reach Taman Safari Indonesia in 10 minutes.
If you take a bus form Jakarta , you go to Kampung Rambutan The Bus station in East Jakarta, or you can take the train or bus to Bogor, then transit by Angkot ( Public Transportation) to Cisarua and continue by the mini angkot to Taman Safari Indonesia .
From Soekarno Hatta International Airport, you can take DAMRI Bus direct to Bogor City then transit to public transportation to Cianjur or Cisarua. Stop at the Safari T-intersection then continue by Ojek (hired motorcyle) or Angkot (local public transportation) to reach Taman Safari Indonesia in 10 minutes.
Photo Tourism Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

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