Hot Water Sari Ater/Ciater (SUBANG)
The hot pond of the water bathing place that has been famous all through the corner of the West Javanese corner that often was made the relaxing place with this family was very appropriate to be visited by you as one of the places most the favourite in the Subang Regency.
The hot spring the Ciater bathing place pond came from the active crater of the mountain tangkuban the boat that his location was not too far from this tourist attraction. Apart from being channelled to pamandian, water from this spring flowed through the river along 2000m that afterwards became cold and was used for the interests of the irrigation of the rice cultivation land. It seems according to the local farmer this water could influence the quality of the harvest than used normal water.
Apart from the atmosphere that was comfortable in the Ciater bathing place pond, water in this place had the benefit of health therapy with the content of the ideal sulphur that could cure various illnesses like paralysis, rheumatism, the disturbance of nerves, bones and various skin illnesses when being carried out in an orderly fashion.
From the Ledeng Terminal (Bandung) used the Lembang vehicle of the plumbing route, continued the trip mengunakan the vehicle of Lembang Subang, stopped in Street Cagak Kampung Ciater, around 30 trip minutes from the Lembang terminal.
Hot Water Cimanggu (
The source of hot water that contained the quite high sulphur that was made use of for recuperation therapy of various illness sorts like skin and rheumatism.
The hot Cimanggu pond of the water bathing place was in the height approximately 1.100 Metre. dpl that around it was met the wide carpet of the tea plantation. In this tourist attraction region of the visitors could go for a walk relaxed while enjoying air coolness and beauty of nature around the tourist attraction that had the gradient plain as well as the region that a the little wave.
The Ciwidey area that was the place where the area of Panas Cimanggu Water was. This area was very rich in the source of hot water nature with the content of the sulphur that could be made use of for recuperation therapy of various illnesses like the skin illness and rheumatism. In this place also was provided by various travelling activity facilities like the swimming pool for the child and mature, rooms of the remaining place as well as the area playground the place played the child.
The attraction of nature that was beautiful as well as the atmosphere of the pleasant environment were supported with the area of the hot Cimanggu water bathing place that was clean enough and comfortable this could be made one of the alternatives to the travelling choice for you who visited to the area of the Bandung Regency especially to the area of Ciwidey-Pangalengan.
The location of the tour that was in foot the
Crossed Jeram Cikandang - Cimanuk (Garut)
One of the attractions of the attraction of the tour of Kab Garut was sport crossed jeram in the river cikandang and cimanuk. The two rivers were suitable to be made the tour crossed jeram because the characteristics of his river were ideal to rafting.
Scenery around the route crossed jeram this was very beautiful, tourists will cross the area of the bamboo forest, tebing-tebing that was beautiful, the area pesawahan that was wide as well as waterfall scenery. For the river Cimanuk, the Route from start to finish be at a distance approximately 7 Km with the distance around 2.5 hours. Rafting in the river cimanuk this including to the category grade 3, and in the river cikandang, the route that was followed by him more again far, be at a distance around 15 km with the distance around 4 hours. The trip was begun from Pakanjeng (
Thislocation was located in the
Cibulan (Kuningan).
The Cibulan name came from words? Cai Katimbulan? It was significant that water that emerged. Cai Katimbulan was the place of the daughter's loss Buyut Manis that would The partner with Putra Buyut Talaga that afterwards disappeared in this place because Did not agree to Putra Buyut Talaga. In this area was gotten seven wells (was known with the Tujuh Well term) that was the place patilasan Prabu Siliwangi that was used to bersuci when meditating but also was one of the historic places in the Islam spreading in Kuningan through the activity of the guardians Sanga.
In the Cibulan Pond also was gotten by the myth about the existence of the gold crab (the skinned crab the colour of gold), that could not be seen by anyone, but for the certain person who saw him, then his feelings will be granted. His location was located in the Manis Kidul Village the Jalaksana subdistrict, 7 Km from the Kuningan city to the north, or be at a distance 28 Km from the Cirebon City headed South.
Cipanas Ciseeng (
Hot Ciseeng water was one of the unique tourist attractions, where a lime hill that located in the middle of-was the paddy-field issued hot water with the level of high sulphur. If in saw from the distance, this lime hill will be seen like the hill that was snow-covered because of the reflection of the coloured lime white terdispersi by the hot water current that went out inside.
This nature tourist attraction was the hot water bathing place with the beautiful scenery and cool air. The performance of rice cultivation scenery that was quite wide as well as the scenery of nature scenery that were dense by trees increasingly increased our astonishment would the phenomenon of rare nature was experienced by us this.
The content of the level of sulphur that was high in this hot Ciseeng water often was made use of by the tourists for recuperation therapy of several illnesses, especially the skin illness and rheumatism. The area in and around this hot water also often was used by several tourists by carrying out the tattered activity.
His location was located in the
Cisolok (Sukabumi).
Cipanas Cisolok famous with geyser (the source of hot water that broadcasted to air) in the middle of the river current with the smoke that contained the sulphur broadcasted to air. This area was often visited by the community that wanted to make use of water that contained the sulphur to take medicine and was located approximately 7 Km from Pelabuhan Ratu.
Cukang Taneuh (
The area ekowisata Cukang Taneuh or that more was known with
Ekowisata green canyon this was a region ekowisata that was organised clean and neat as well as very beautiful. Many activities of the tour that could be carried out in this area like treking, tattered, canoing etc.. The cleanliness of the river that was awakened, scenery that mesmerised in left and right the river trip made the region ekowisata Cukang Taneuh this became the place of the favourite for tourists who
came to the Ciamis Regency.
Through the guidance from the Service of Pariwisata Propinsi West Java as well as the existence of the local leading figure who diligently re-educateed the community in four villages that became the territory ekowisata, was begun the activity ekowisata Cukang Taneuh as the package of the alternative tour or the special interest by using the principle sold by means of conserved. This was supported with the existence of the interest or the request that was high especially foreign tourists who wanted to hold investigation was more far to the Cijulang river that had the main attraction of bridge of limestone nature that melintang on the Cijulang river, that by the local community was named Cukang Taneuh.
His location was located in the Cijulang river administratively including the
Curug Cimahi
According to geology Curug Cimahi was since the attendance of the Mountain Sundanese Purba that now more famous with the Tangkuban Parahu mountain. The source of this Curug Cimahi spring came from the
raction with the extraordinary nature panorama this beauty of the visitors must pass the footpath had the shape of the step that took the visitor to the area of the aim. In our Curug Cimahi region could see very beautiful nature scenery, especially witnessed the sprinkling of the waterfall that was falling from above tebing be as high as 85 metre.
The visitors who came to this area many among them that continued his activity by swimming and being submerged in the close area curug. Apart from clean water, cool him water that menyejukan the body, as well as his swift ricochet the waterfall that fell to the foundation of the surface of the land increased purity as well as the pleasant atmosphere when the visitor visited to this area.
His location was located around 10 Km from the
Curug Cindulang (SUMEDANG).
Curug Cindulang was some curug available in the Sumedang Regency that often was visited by the tourists compared with curug-curug other. Curug this had the height around 50 m., made the water current that fell to the foundation curug was swift enough so as cipratan his water spread everywhere.
The ricochet of the water voice that fell to the foundation curug, was increased with the shady as well as calm panorama of trees, made curug this was very exact for the tourists who were experiencing the fatigue, stress or the other complicated problem. With felt fresh him available nature scenery around curug as well as air coolness that penetrated until in our skin pores was expected to be able to become remover medicine for the tourists who were afflicted with various problems of the life although only several times, when tourists was in the area curug this then.
Curug Cindulang this still was very natural. Clean water, air around his very fresh as well as dense area trees made the tourists who came to curug this was not shy to bathe and be submerged in coolness of nature water with peacefulness energy and peace that mengasyikan and lokai him was in the Cindulang Village, The Cimanggung subdistrict the Sumedang regency.
Curug Orok (Garut).
Curug Orok was the tour region that often was visited by the community from the Garut area and from outside Garut when the holiday day especially the long holiday or the school holiday. This region busy was visited by tourists because of beauty of the place as well as beauty of nature that in could when carrying out the trip towards Curug Orok and after arrive in tempatnya To head Curug Orok this, tourists will walk divided the tea plantation with beauty of the tea crop in left and right the road. Wisatwan willsee nature scenery took the form of the mountain, the hill and the beautiful sky carpet bluish when the weather in this area was not rain.
After the tourists rested several times in Curug Orok this, usually tourists at once carry out the swimming activity in curug this. Water that was very clear as well as kucuran water of Curug Orok that left hill gaps increasingly increased beauty from landscape scenery of Curug Orok on the whole and lokai him was in the Cikandang Village, the Cikajang subdistrict, approximately 29 Km one West Daya Kota Garut.
Grama Jatiluhur Water
Grama Tirta Jatiluhur, his location strategic was easy to be reached with the trip to the best of 120 kilometre from e. Went the road in the Jatiluhur Dam while inhaled fresh him morning air and saw Morning Glory as well as could listen to the melodiousness kicau birds and his location close to water the boom.
Was available packages that were drafted were matched with your wish. The hotel with the capacity 24 rooms that could be chosen by you among them 2 buh Suite Room, was equipped the Bar, Restoran and the Conference Room with Rapat Space facilities. Cottages-cottages/bungalow was totalling 75 rooms equipped derngan AC, and other facilities, was ready to satisfy the requirement for your accommodation for various needs. Spent the night in Grama Tirta and got the new atmosphere that far from noise and the life of the monotonous city. Ask all of your family to gather in Grama Tirta and let our staff served all of your requirement.
The White Crater (Kawah Putih)
The white crater In the height of the
The white crater was formed from the activity of the eruption of the Patuha mountain that happened in the XII age, the other name from the mountain patuha according to parents beforehand was the elder's mountain. That was exact on the south of the
Various clean and comfortable facilities were provided for the visitors who came to this area. From beginning information space, playground, the mini zoo, the souvenir kiosk as well as the area of the wide and safe carpark were ready to guard your tourist attraction with your family in the white crater beloved this.
Was located in Ciwidey be at a distance 44 km from the Bandung City to the side of south went through Soreang, Ciwidey and Cimanggu to the side of south-east. This place be at a distance 6 km from the
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